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第三届中国渔业水产节暨中国国际渔业博览会, 举办时间:-/9/19----/9/21 举办展馆:广交会展馆;中国广州市阅江中路380号 乘车路线 所属行业:农林牧渔 展会城市:广东|广州市 主办单位:中国出入境检验检疫协会 承办单位:上海高登商业展览有限公司 协办单位:各地检验检疫局与检验检疫协会 举办周期:一年一届 官方-:-://.fisherie-po/fair/ 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:渔业展会(3) 展会简介 展会概括中国是渔业生产和贸易大国,鱼类产品是世界贸易额最大的食品,作为品质优良和蛋白含量很高的食物在人们日常生活中正占据着日益重要的地位。相关数据显示,全球鱼类供应量已达到1.83亿吨,增幅将超过25%。中国的水产品进出口贸易多年来也始终保持稳步发展,出口额已连续11年在全球各国中居首位。今年前三季度水产品贸易继续保持较快增长,贸易额209亿美元,其中出口145亿,进口64亿,贸易顺差81亿。在,中国已超越美国成为全世界最大的水产品贸易国。广东作为中国海洋大省,渔业在海洋经济中具有重要地位。广东渔业经济总产值2532亿元,同比增长7.8%,其中水产品总产值1147.3亿元,同比增长6.2%。目前广东省的省会城市广州拥有大批名优水产品生产基地和集约化出口商品生产基地,是世界水产品加工和贸易重要的集散地。中国渔业节暨上海国际渔业交易会 (简称:C-) 作为亚洲地区渔业专业采购盛会已在上海成功召开过两届,累计展出面积超过三万平米,展会共吸引来自全球四十个国家与地区近千家渔业与水产领域优秀供应商参展以及近三万名专业采购商参会。Exhibition BackgroundChina is a big country in fisheries production and trade, fish products as food with high quality and high protein content in our daily life, whichoccupies the largest trade volume in the world. According to the relevant data show that the global supply of fishes reached 183 million, expandedby - than 25% in -. The aquatic product trade of China mainta- the status of d-loping steadily in these years, exports has been on thetop of all the countries in the world for 11 years. The aquatic product trade continued a rap growth in the first three quarters of this year, Thevolume of trade was $20.9 billion,the export was $14.5 billion and the import was 6.4 billion, the trade surplus was 8.1 billion. China hassurpassed USA and become the largest country in aquatic product trade from -. Guangdong is a major marine province in China, and fisheryplays a vital role in marine economy. The Guangdong fishier economic output reached 253.2 billion in -, with year-on-year growth of 7.8%, andaquatic product economic output was 114.73 billion, an increase of 6.2%. Guangzhou—the capital of Guangdong province, owns a large host ofexcellent aquatic product and intensive export product manufacturing base, also be an important processing and trade hub for aquatic product inthe world. The China Seafood Festival and Shanghai International Fisheries & Seafood Fair(C-) has successfully held two terms in Shanghai asa professional fisheries purchase exhibition in Asia. The accumulated exhibition area reached - than 30,000 square meters, the exhibitionattracted nearly 5000 top supplier exhibitors and 3000 professional buyers in the field of fisheries from domestic and foreign to participate in the-nt.新的机遇鉴于广州作为中国经济最发达的城市之一,人均水产品消费量居全国前列大背景下,本届C- CHINA采购交易会的主办方中检协与高登商业将“中国渔业节暨上海国际渔业交易会”移师至广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆召开,名称更改为“-第三届中国渔业节暨广州国际渔业交易会”,时间定于09月19日-21日。展会将汇集世界主要渔业国家的水产品养殖企业、水产品加工商、机械制造商、贸易商、与渔业相关的组织机构、贸易组织、专业媒体和-部门参会。展会将以依托强大的中国消费市场需求,在中国广州全力打造成亚太地区顶级影响力的渔业与水产品行业盛会,展会计划将在原有的基础上大幅度提升展会规模、档次及专业买家的邀请。该展会将是世界各国渔业与水产品企业交流学习、经贸洽谈、业务拓展、提升品牌的难得机遇。New OpportunityFor Guangzhou is one of the most economically advanced cities in China, the per capita in aquatic product consumption ranks top in China. C-CHINA will be held by CIQA & Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd. in China Import and Export Fair Complex-GUANGZHOU onSeptember19-21, -, and change its name to” The 3rd China Seafood Festival and Guangzhou International Fisheries & Seafood Fair” Aquaticproduct farming enterprises, Aquatic product processors, -hinery manufacturers, merchants, related -titutions, trade or-izations,professional medias and governments from main fishery countries will gather in this exhibition. Relying on the high demand of the Chinese -,the exhibition held in Guangzhou will be shown as the most influential one in fishery and aquatic product industry in the Asia-Pacific region, Wewill give a large rise in the scale, l-l and numbers of professional buyers on the existing basis. This exhibition will be a rare opportunity for fisheryand aquatic product industry from all over the world to communicate, trade negotiation, expand business and enhance brand.同期活动丨Concurrent Event中国渔业节(简称C- CHINA)是经国家质检总局与国家商务部批准并给予支持的重要会展活动,作为中国食品、肉类、水产品与乳品行业的专业国际贸易采购交易会与海外企业拓展中国市场的重要平台。C- CHINA采购交易会已在中国成功召开过两届,累计展出面积超过50000平米,展会共吸引来自德国、法国、西班牙、丹麦、巴西、澳大利亚、美国、新西兰等数十个国家和地区的数千家进口食品、肉类、水产及乳品等领域优秀供应商前来参展与近五万名国内外食品饮料领域的专业买家亲临现场参观采购。展会同期还将举办渔业与水产品领域专题会议帮助参与者深度地了解产业的变化,探寻未来增长和盈利的能力。将涉及水产品质量认证及出入境检验检疫、水产品加工与国际贸易、健康养殖与生态环境、水质保护与管理、水产饲料与营养、网箱养殖、贝类养殖、鱼病防治和水产养殖新品种等内容。China International Food, Meat and Aquatic Products Exhibition(FMA CHINA) is an important exhibition supporting by AQSIQ and state commercebureau. It acts as a professional and international trade exhibition of food, meat, aquatic products and dairy products, as well as a vital platformfor foreign companies to expand in China. FMA CHINA has been has successfully held two terms, the accumulated exhibition area reached -than 50,000 square meters, which attracted thousands of excellent suppliers in the fields of import food, meat, aquatic and dairy products fromGermany, France, Spain, Denm-, America, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, etc., and - than 50,000 professional buyers in the field of foodand b-rage at home and abroad to participate in the fair. A meeting focus on fishery and aquatic product field will be held at the same time to- the participants to have a deep understanding of industry d-lopment, seek the ability of future growth and profitability. Topic will including:aquatic product quality certification& entry-exit -pection and quarantine, aquatic product processors& international trading, health aquaculture&the environment, protection and ma-ment of water, fodder and nutrition for aquatic, cage culture, shellfish beds, pr-nting fish from diseaseand new -s in aquaculture.目标观众丨Target Audience组织各国相关组织与协会、各国驻华机构、商贸机构、国际买家中国采购办、国际商贸机构等前来参会;组织水产领域的行业组织、企事业单位、水产供应领域的生产商、进口商、经销商、贸易商、零售商、专家学者及相关媒体等等专业人士前来参会。组织水产批发市场与冷库、餐饮投资与加盟商、酒店投资商、金融机构、商业地产开发商、业主方、物业管理公司、酒店-、培训机构、酒店设计事务所等。邀请电子商务行业:网站设计师、此类网站的专业买家及相关媒体等进行展会报道。International related or-izations and associations, foreign -titutions in China, International trade and commerce -titutions in China, sourcingoffices of international buyer in China, international trade and commerce -titutions;Industry or-izations in the field of aquatic products, -titutions and enterprises; producers, importers, dealers, traders, retailers, experts andrelated media in the field of aquatic supply , etc.Aquatic product wholesale - and refrigerator, catering investors and franchisees; ho- investors; financial -titutions; commercial realestate d-lopers; proprietors; property ma-ment agencies ; ho- -tors; training -titutions; ho- design firms, food material importersand dealers, etc.E-commercial industry, catering & ho- Website Designers, professional buyers of these website, related mediasAquatic products: fresh seafood, frozen seafood, value-added product, branded product, "Tie Brand" productService and or-ization of aquatic products: quality control, financial, trade groups, industries com-r and -rmation -Se product of aquatic product: accessories, béchamel, dressing, bread cru-Equipment of aquatic product: processin-achines, refrigerated equipmentsPackaging of aquatic product: aquatic product transportation, storage and packing equipment, etc 参展范围 展出大类丨Major Exhibits水产品:鲜活、冷冻、附加值产品、品牌产品、贴牌产品;水产服务及组织:质量控制、金融、行业组织、行业计算机及信息系统;水产边缘产品:辅料、酱料、调味品、面包屑;水产品设备:加工机器、冷冻冷藏设备;水产包装:水产运输、仓储包装设备等。 参展费用 国内标摊:9800元/个元/个国外标摊:4800美元/个国内特装:1000元/㎡元/㎡国外特装:480美元/㎡ - 地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区马吉路2号---室(-31)Add: Room ---, No.2, Maji Road, Pilot - TradeZone, -31, Shanghai, P.R.China电话/Tel:(86-21)3127-6819 - 8078;18019469351传真/Fax:(86-21)5013-1761E-mail: leyan@goldenexpo- 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请联系我们。 。义乌展会信息发布。
更多第三届中国渔业水产节暨中国国际渔业博览会最新相关信息: 中国国际纤体美容展,中国国际服装服饰博览会,慕尼黑上海光博会中国国际应用激光及光电技术贸易博览会暨研讨会,中国国际铝工业展览会,中国国际供热及热动力技术展览会第十六届上海国际锅炉、辅机及工业设备展览会上海国际,第十七届中国国际烘焙展览会第十八届中国国际食品加工与包装展览会,第三十一届中国国际测量控制与仪器仪表展览会,第十届中国国际航空、邮轮及列车食品饮料展(上海站),

义乌展会信息 第三届中国渔业水产节暨中国国际渔业博览会
